Take your business to new heights
with global expertise at your fingertips

In today's incredibly competitive global environment it is always good to get the guidance that you need from experts in your home or target country to ensure that you are making the right decisions for your organisation, and for yourself.

Dealing with education, investment or finance overseas can be tricky, which is why you need experts on the ground with local knowledge and experience. Luckily, you’re in the right place.

SME offer a wide range of globally targeted services to educational establishments in the UK looking to educate international students and reap the financial benefits, as well as property investors, new entrepreneurs looking to gain investment or get the best advice for starting up in their country of choice.

We have a team with a vast range of global expertise and knowledge that has been gained over a number of years within the industry, working with companies in a range of different sectors and industries. We also have specialists all over the world, experts in each area they work in, who are well-placed to offer location-specific guidance and support to a range of clients.

Whether you are a smaller educational establishment, a fledgling business, a property investor a business looking to get help with global accounts, we are here to assist you. Sometimes even the simplest of pieces of expert knowledge or targeted support can make a huge difference and bring the desired results. Our solutions can help you to save time, money, or both, depending on your needs. We can help you and improve revenue, ensure financial compliance and essentially, give your organisation what it needs to succeed.

If you are looking for specialist help, then why not get in touch and one of our team of experts will be able to answer any questions that you might have. We’d be happy to discuss how you could benefit from our services.